where I live: lisbon walls

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O tema de Francesca para esta 6ª feira é sobre Paredes.
Lisboa tem muitos prédios antigos a ficar em ruínas (infelizmente)!
Julgo que esta forma de pintura é uma boa maneira de os tornar mais interessantes.
E de ficarmos um bocadinho menos tristes quando olhamos para estes bonitos prédios que vamos perdendo com o tempo.

Francesca's theme this friday is Walls.
Lisbon has a lot of old buildings getting deteriorated (unfornately)!
I think this kind of painting could be a nice way to make them look more interesting.
And also, it could be a nice way for us to feel less sad when we look at these very pretty buildings we are loosing. 

4 comentários:

  1. these paintings are certainly eye catching and colorful. It would be a lot nicer though, I think, if there was economy to restore all those gorgeous buildings :)

  2. Yes, I agree with you.
    I would rather have these buildings restored.
    But, unfortunately, that doesn't happen.
    It could be more radical, but I find it quite interesting anyway. Thanks :)

  3. They certainly look better! I was surprised by the large number of empty buildings in various stages of decay in the city center - I think that architecture should make it a priority to restore old buildings instead of planning new ones!

  4. It's a pity old building are left to die, but indeed at least the paintings make them not only less sad, but interesting. And those paints are also sending messages! Beautiful photos!


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