where I live: lisbon window

translate to English

Hoje, o tema de Francesca é sobre janelas.
Hoje só tenho uma janela para mostrar que fica numa rua perto de minha casa.
E o que gosto especialmente nesta janela, além da sua estrutura e das cores verde e branca, é o detalhe das cortinas feitas em crochet.

Francesca's theme today is Windows.
Today I only have one window to show that is in a street nearby my home.
I like the structure and the green and white colors, but I especially like the crochet curtains detail.

3 comentários:

  1. opsy, blogger ate my comment, or I forgot to wait for the captcha word verification ... anyway, I wrote something about how I remember some incredible crochet curtains in Rua Rosa: each a couple of meters long, and several of them! Thanks for joining in again Paula! :)

  2. Great crocheted courtains bu also nice window!


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